RLMeta: a VM based approach

Published on 2019-08-06.

In this article I present an alternative implementation of RLMeta in which grammars are compiled into instructions for a virtual machine (VM).

The VM based version builds upon the optimized version and the implementation is inspired by Regular Expression Matching: the Virtual Machine Approach and A Text Pattern-Matching Tool based on Parsing Expression Grammars.

Big picture difference

The optimized version compiles grammars into Python classes which can be used like this:

g = Grammar()
result = g.run("foo", "input string")

The VM based version also compiles grammars into Python classes with the same interface. The difference is how the run method is implemented. In the optimized version, it calls methods that represent rules in the grammar. The above call would result in _rule_foo being called. That in turn would make calls to other methods representing other rules in the grammar. The VM based version instead has a sequence of instructions and a program counter that keeps track of which instruction to execute. The VM is invoked from the run method.

To make the difference more clear, let's look at the Scream grammar that turns its input into a screaming equivalent (hello to HELLO!! for example):

Scream {
  scream = char*:xs -> { xs "!!" }
  char   = .:x      -> upper(x)

The optimized version compiles it into the following class with one method per rule in the grammar:

class Scream(_Grammar):

    def _rule_scream(self):
        return (lambda: (lambda _vars:
            (lambda: self._and([
                (lambda: _vars.bind('xs', (lambda: self._star((lambda: self._match_rule('char'))))())),
                (lambda: _SemanticAction(lambda: _Builder.create([

    def _rule_char(self):
        return (lambda: (lambda _vars:
            (lambda: self._and([
                (lambda: _vars.bind('x', self._match_any())),
                (lambda: _SemanticAction(lambda: upper(

The VM based version compiles it into the following class with a sequence of instructions (don't worry about understanding them now, it will be clear later what the instructions mean):

class Scream(_Grammar):

    def __init__(self):
        self._instructions = i = []
        self._labels = l = {}
        def I(name, x=None, y=None):
            i.append((name, x, y))
        def LABEL(name):
            l[name] = len(i)
        I('BACKTRACK', 1)
        I('CALL', 'char')
        I('COMMIT', 0)
        I('BIND', 'xs')
        I('ACTION', lambda scope: _Builder.create([scope['xs'].eval(), '!!']))
        I('BIND', 'x')
        I('ACTION', lambda scope: upper(scope['x'].eval()))

The external interface of the classes is exactly the same, but internally they look rather different. The run method in the optimized version looks like this:

def run(self, rule_name, input_object):
    self._memo = _Memo()
    self._stream = _Stream.from_object(self._memo, input_object)
    result = self._match_rule(rule_name).eval()
    if isinstance(result, _Builder):
        return result.build_string()
        return result

It does some setup and then calls _match_rule to start matching.

The run method in the VM based version looks like this:

  1. support.py
  2. classes
class _Grammar(object):

    def run(self, rule_name, input_object):
        if isinstance(input_object, basestring):
            stream = input_object
            stream = [input_object]
        result = rlmeta_vm(self._instructions, self._labels, rule_name, stream)
        if isinstance(result, _Builder):
            return result.build_string()
            return result

It also does some setup, but then it hands over the instructions (that are created in the __init__ method) to the VM that then executes them.

In the rest of this article I explain how grammars are compiled into VM instructions and how the VM is implemented.


The parser in the VM based version has one additional rule for labels:

  1. parser.rlmeta
  2. expr1
| space '#' -> ["Label"]

A label returns a semantic action that evaluates to a unique number. You will see later (in Or, Star, and Not) how it is used in the code generator.

The label feature first had to be added to the optimized version before it could be used to compile the VM based version. That implementation is not shown in this article, but the implementation of labels in the VM based version is similar.

The rest of the parser is exactly the same as in the optimized version:

  1. parser.rlmeta
Parser {
  grammar =
    | name:x space '{' rule*:ys space '}'      -> ["Grammar" x ~ys]
  rule =
    | name:x space '=' choice:y                -> ["Rule" x y]
  choice =
    | (space '|')?
      sequence:x (space '|' sequence)*:xs      -> ["Or" x ~xs]
  sequence =
    | expr:x expr*:xs                          -> ["Scope" ["And" x ~xs]]
  expr =
    | expr1:x space ':' name:y                 -> ["Bind" y x]
    | expr1
  expr1 =
    | expr2:x space '*'                        -> ["Star" x]
    | expr2:x space '?'                        -> ["Or" x ["And"]]
    | space '!' expr2:x                        -> ["Not" x]
    | space '%'                                -> ["MatchCallRule"]
    | expr2
  expr2 =
    | space '->' hostExpr:x                    -> ["SemanticAction" x]
    | name:x !(space '=')                      -> ["MatchRule" x]
    | space char:x '-' char:y                  -> ["MatchRange" x y]
    | space string:x                           -> ["MatchString" x]
    | space charseq:x                          -> ["MatchCharseq" x]
    | space '.'                                -> ["MatchAny"]
    | space '(' choice:x space ')'             -> x
    | space '[' expr*:xs space ']'             -> ["MatchList" ["And" ~xs]]
  hostExpr =
    | space string:x                           -> ["String" x]
    | space '[' hostExprListItem*:xs space ']' -> ["List" ~xs]
    | space '{' buildExpr*:xs space '}'        -> ["Builder" ~xs]
    | name:x space '(' hostExpr*:ys space ')'  -> ["FnCall" x ~ys]
    | name:x                                   -> ["VarLookup" x]
  hostExprListItem =
    | space '~' hostExpr:x                     -> ["ListItemSplice" x]
    | hostExpr
  buildExpr =
    | space '>'                                -> ["IndentBuilder"]
    | space '<'                                -> ["DedentBuilder"]
    | hostExpr
  string    = '"'  (!'"'  innerChar)*:xs '"'   -> join(xs)
  charseq   = '\'' (!'\'' innerChar)*:xs '\''  -> join(xs)
  char      = '\''  !'\'' innerChar  :x  '\''  -> x
  innerChar = '\\' escape | .
  escape    = '\\' -> "\\" | '\'' -> "'"
            | '"'  -> "\"" | 'n'  -> "\n"
  name      = space nameStart:x nameChar*:xs   -> join([x ~xs])
  nameStart = 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z'
  nameChar  = 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9'
  space     = (' ' | '\n')*

Code generator

The code generator in the VM based version is similarly structured to the code generator in the optimized version with a grammar and a support library:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
CodeGenerator {
  1. support.py



The ast rule is exactly the same as in the optimized version:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
ast = [%:x] -> x

Then there is an additional rule for when a Python representation of a value is needed:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
py = .:x -> repr(x)

Let's move on and look at how VM instructions are generated.


When a Grammar AST node is matched, a Python class inheriting _Grammar is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Grammar = .:x ast*:ys -> { "class " x "(_Grammar):\n\n" >
                             "def __init__(self):\n" >
                               "self._instructions = i = []\n"
                               "self._labels = l = {}\n"
                               "def I(name, x=None, y=None):\n" >
                                 "i.append((name, x, y))\n"
                               "def LABEL(name):\n" >
                                 "l[name] = len(i)\n"
                           < }

The name of the class is the same as the name of the grammar.

The __init__ method has functionality for creating instructions. An instruction is represented as a tuple with three elements: the name, the first argument, and the second argument. Arguments can be None. Instructions are stored in a list. Labels map names to positions in the instruction list and are stored in a dictionary.

Shorthand names i and l are used instead of self._instructions and self._labels because they are faster. Not using self reduces one dictionary lookup.

The child AST nodes of Grammar are assumed to use the I and LABEL functions to create instructions.


When a Rule AST node is matched, instructions representing a function are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Rule = py:x ast:y -> { "LABEL(" x ")\n"
                       "I('RETURN')\n" }

In assembly-like notation (where labels are in the first column and instructions are in the second column) it looks like this:

    <y instructions>

The label name is the name of the rule. RETURN instructs the VM to continue execution at wherever it was before calling this rule.


When an Or AST node is matched, instructions representing a choice are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Or =
  | ast:x Or:y #:a #:b -> { "I('BACKTRACK', " a ")\n"
                            "I('COMMIT', " b ")\n"
                            "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                            "LABEL(" b ")\n" }
  | ast

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <x instructions>
    COMMIT b
    <y instructions>

BACKTRACK instructs the VM to push a backtrack entry onto the stack so that it can try matching again at label a if the x instructions fail. COMMIT instructs the VM to pop this backtrack entry off the stack and continue execution at label b. If x instructions fail, the second choice at label a is tried, otherwise, execution continues at label b. The y instructions might represent another choice or the last choice. If there is only once choice, only instructions for that choice are generated. In that case, no BACKTRACK and COMMIT are needed.


When a Scope AST node is matched, instructions creating a new scope are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Scope = ast:x -> { "I('PUSH_SCOPE')\n"
                   "I('POP_SCOPE')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <x instructions>

PUSH_SCOPE instructs the VM to push a new scope onto the stack so that all bindings that are done by x instructions happen in this new scope. POP_SCOPE instructs the VM to pop this scope off the stack.


When an And AST node is matched, instructions for all items in the sequence are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
And = ast*


When a Bind AST node is matched, instructions binding the last result to a name are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Bind = py:x ast:y -> { y
                       "I('BIND', " x ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <y instructions>
    BIND <x>

BIND instructs the VM to bind the last result from y instructions to the name x in the current scope.


When a Star AST node is matched, instructions representing a repetition are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Star = ast:x #:a #:b -> { "I('LIST_START')\n"
                          "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                          "I('BACKTRACK', " b ")\n"
                          "I('COMMIT', " a ")\n"
                          "LABEL(" b ")\n"
                          "I('LIST_END')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <x instructions>
    COMMIT a

LIST_START instructs the VM to create a new list for accumulating results. LIST_APPEND instructs the VM to append the last result to this list. LIST_END instructs the VM to make this list itself the last result. The BACKTRACK and COMMIT instructions are used to create control flow for a loop. As long as x instructions succeed, the program loops between label a and the COMMIT instruction. As soon as x instructions fail, the program continues execution at label b.


When a Not AST node is matched, instructions representing negative lookahead are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Not = ast:x #:a #:b -> { "I('BACKTRACK', " b ")\n"
                         "I('COMMIT', " a ")\n"
                         "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                         "I('FAIL', 'no match expected')\n"
                         "LABEL(" b ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <x instructions>
    COMMIT a
    FAIL 'no match expected'

FAIL instructs the VM to fail with the given message. The BACKTRACK and COMMIT instructions are used to create control flow for negative lookahead. If x instructions succeed, the COMMIT instruction makes the program continue at label a. That immediately fails because the negative lookahead does not expect a match. If x instructions fail, the program continues execution at label b, and the FAIL instruction is skipped.


When a MatchCallRule AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchCallRule = -> { "I('MATCH_CALL_RULE')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:


MATCH_CALL_RULE instructs the VM to call the rule denoted by the current input object.


When a Label AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
Label = -> { "I('LABEL')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:


LABEL instructs the VM to create a semantic action that evaluates to a unique number.


When a SemanticAction AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
SemanticAction = ast:x -> { "I('ACTION', lambda scope: " x ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    ACTION <python lambda>

ACTION instructs the VM to create a user defined a semantic action. If there is a match, it will be called with the scope that was active when the action was defined.

Semantic actions are not evaluated by the VM, but rather by Python. The VM is only responsible for matching and creating semantic actions as results.

The lambda expression that is the first argument is generated by the following rules similarly to how it was done in the optimized version:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
String        = py
List          = astList
Builder       = astItems:x      -> { "_Builder.create([" x "])" }
IndentBuilder =                 -> { "_IndentBuilder()"         }
DedentBuilder =                 -> { "_DedentBuilder()"         }
FnCall        = .:x astItems:y  -> { x "(" y ")"                }
VarLookup     = py:x            -> { "scope[" x "].eval()"      }
astItems      =
  | ast:x astItem*:xs           -> { x xs                       }
  |                             -> {                            }
astItem       = ast:x           -> { ", " x                     }
astList       = astListItem*:xs -> { "(" xs "[])"               }
astListItem   =
  | ["ListItemSplice" ast:x]    -> {     x  "+"                 }
  | ast:x                       -> { "[" x "]+"                 }

The related pieces in the support library are exactly the same as in the optimized version:

  1. support.py
  2. imports
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO
  1. support.py
  2. classes
class _Builder(object):

    def build_string(self):
        output = _Output()
        return output.value

    def create(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, _Builder):
            return item
        elif isinstance(item, list):
            return _ListBuilder([_Builder.create(x) for x in item])
            return _AtomBuilder(item)

class _Output(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = StringIO()
        self.indentation = 0
        self.on_newline = True

    def value(self):
        return self.buffer.getvalue()

    def write(self, value):
        for ch in value:
            is_linebreak = ch == "\n"
            if self.indentation and self.on_newline and not is_linebreak:
                self.buffer.write("    "*self.indentation)
            self.on_newline = is_linebreak

class _ListBuilder(_Builder):

    def __init__(self, builders):
        self.builders = builders

    def write(self, output):
        for builder in self.builders:

class _AtomBuilder(_Builder):

    def __init__(self, atom):
        self.atom = atom

    def write(self, output):

class _IndentBuilder(_Builder):

    def write(self, output):
        output.indentation += 1

class _DedentBuilder(_Builder):

    def write(self, output):
        output.indentation -= 1


When a MatchRule AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchRule = py:x -> { "I('CALL', " x ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    CALL <x>

CALL instructs the VM to call the given rule.


When a MatchRange AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchRange = py:x py:y -> { "I('MATCH_RANGE', " x ", " y ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    MATCH_RANGE <x> <y>

MATCH_RANGE instructs the VM to match an object in the given range.


When a MatchString AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchString = py:x -> { "I('MATCH_STRING', " x ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:


MATCH_STRING instructs the VM to match the given string.


When a MatchCharseq AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchCharseq = py:x -> { "I('MATCH_CHARSEQ', " x ")\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:


MATCH_CHARSEQ instructs the VM to match the given sequence of characters.


When a MatchAny AST node is matched, an instruction representing that operation is generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchAny = -> { "I('MATCH_ANY')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:


MATCH_ANY instructs the VM to match any object.


When a MatchList AST node is matched, instructions changing the input stream are generated:

  1. codegenerator.rlmeta
  2. rules
MatchList = ast:x -> { "I('PUSH_STREAM')\n"
                       "I('POP_STREAM')\n" }

In assembly-like notation it looks like this:

    <x instructions>

PUSH_STREAM instructs the VM to push the current input object onto the stack so that x instructions see it as the current input stream. POP_STREAM instructs the VM to pop this input stream off the stack.

Example revisited

The generated instructions for the Scream grammar from the beginning of the article should now make more sense:

Scream {
  scream = char*:xs -> { xs "!!" }
  char   = .:x      -> upper(x)
class Scream(_Grammar):

    def __init__(self):
        self._instructions = i = []
        self._labels = l = {}
        def I(name, x=None, y=None):
            i.append((name, x, y))
        def LABEL(name):
            l[name] = len(i)
        I('BACKTRACK', 1)
        I('CALL', 'char')
        I('COMMIT', 0)
        I('BIND', 'xs')
        I('ACTION', lambda scope: _Builder.create([scope['xs'].eval(), '!!']))
        I('BIND', 'x')
        I('ACTION', lambda scope: upper(scope['x'].eval()))

There are two labels for the two rules in the grammar. Both blocks of instructions end with a RETURN instruction so that those functions can be called and returned from. The blocks are are also wrapped in PUSH_SCOPE/POP_SCOPE instructions so that variable bindings for the different calls happen in different scopes. Otherwise they would overwrite each other. The scream rule has a repetition and therefore also the LIST_* instructions. It also has generated label names (0 and 1) to create the loop. The BIND instructions bind the last result to a name in the current scope. The ACTION instructions have Python lambdas as first argument that are evaluated when there is a match. They get one argument which is the scope that was active when the action was defined.

Now let's move on to the implementation of the VM to understand how the execution of these instructions work.


The VM is implemented as a single Python function with the following definition:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
def rlmeta_vm(instructions, labels, start_rule, stream):

It takes a list of instructions to execute, a dictionary of labels, the name of the start rule, and the input stream. The init section sets up the VM state:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. init
label_counter = 0
last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(None)
pc = labels[start_rule]
call_backtrack_stack = []
stream, pos, stream_pos_stack = (stream, 0, [])
scope, scope_stack = (None, [])
fail_message = None
latest_fail_message, latest_fail_pos = (None, tuple())
memo = {}

In a picture it looks something like this:

Overview of VM.

After the init section comes the VM loop:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
while True:
    name, arg1, arg2 = instructions[pc]
    if name == "PUSH_SCOPE":
    elif name == "BACKTRACK":
    elif name == "CALL":
    elif name == "MATCH_CHARSEQ":
    elif name == "COMMIT":
    elif name == "POP_SCOPE":
    elif name == "RETURN":
    elif name == "LIST_APPEND":
    elif name == "BIND":
    elif name == "ACTION":
    elif name == "MATCH_RANGE":
    elif name == "LIST_START":
    elif name == "LIST_END":
    elif name == "MATCH_ANY":
    elif name == "PUSH_STREAM":
    elif name == "POP_STREAM":
    elif name == "MATCH_CALL_RULE":
    elif name == "FAIL":
    elif name == "LABEL":
    elif name == "MATCH_STRING":
        raise Exception("unknown instruction {}".format(name))
    <<handle failure>>

First it fetches the instruction pointed to by the program counter. Then it has an if-chain with cases that handle the different instructions. If an instruction is not recognized, an exception is raised. Finally, it has code to handle a failure. Many instructions can fail and therefore this common code is at the end of the loop. If an instruction succeeds, it ends with a continue statement to ensure that the loop is started over immediately without executing the code to handle a failure.

The order in which the cases appear in the if-chain is important from a performance perspective. To get to the last case, all previous cases need to be tested, which takes time. So it is important that more common cases appear earlier in the if-chain. I did an instruction frequency analysis when RLMeta compiled itself to determine the most common instructions.

The VM makes use of two semantic actions that represent results from expressions: one for constant values and one for user defined functions:

  1. support.py
  2. classes
class _ConstantSemanticAction(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def eval(self):
        return self.value
  1. support.py
  2. classes
class _UserSemanticAction(object):

    def __init__(self, fn, scope):
        self.fn = fn
        self.scope = scope

    def eval(self):
        return self.fn(self.scope)

Let's move on to the implementation of each instruction.


This instruction matches any object from the input stream:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos >= len(stream):
    fail_message = ("expected any",)
    last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(stream[pos])
    pos += 1
    pc += 1

The only time it fails is when the end of stream has been reached. In that case fail_message is set and no continue statement is executed to ensure that the code to handle this failure is executed.

Otherwise, the last result is set to a semantic action that evaluates to the current input object. pos is incremented because one object has been consumed from the input stream. pc is incremented so that the next instruction is executed in the next loop iteration.


This instruction works like MATCH_ANY but also fails if the current input object is not the string that is given as the first argument:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos >= len(stream) or stream[pos] != arg1:
    fail_message = ("expected {!r}", arg1)
    last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(arg1)
    pos += 1
    pc += 1


This instruction works like MATCH_ANY but also fails if the current input object is not in the range given as arguments:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos >= len(stream) or not (arg1 <= stream[pos] <= arg2):
    fail_message = ("expected range {!r}-{!r}", arg1, arg2)
    last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(stream[pos])
    pos += 1
    pc += 1


This instruction works as MATCH_ANY but also fails if the next input objects are not the characters in the string given as the first argument:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
for char in arg1:
    if pos >= len(stream) or stream[pos] != char:
        fail_message = ("expected {!r}", char)
    pos += 1
    last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(arg1)
    pc += 1


This instruction pushes a new scope onto the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
scope = {}
pc += 1

Pushing a new scope onto the stack means moving the current scope to the list and assigning a new scope to the current scope. A scope is a dictionary mapping names to values.


This instruction pops a scope off the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
scope = scope_stack.pop()
pc += 1


This instruction binds the last result to the given name in the current scope:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. BIND
scope[arg1] = last_action
pc += 1


This instruction creates a user defined semantic action:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
last_action = _UserSemanticAction(arg1, scope)
pc += 1

The first argument is a Python lambda that expects a scope as argument.


This instruction creates a semantic action that evaluates to a unique number:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. LABEL
last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(label_counter)
label_counter += 1
pc += 1

The label counter is incremented to make all labels unique.


This instruction creates a list for accumulating results:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
scope = []
pc += 1

The list is actually stored on the scope stack, but it could as well have been stored in the current scope under a special name.


This instruction appends the last result to the accumulation list:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
pc += 1

The current scope is assumed to be an accumulation list.


This instruction makes the accumulation list the last result:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
last_action = _UserSemanticAction(lambda xs: [x.eval() for x in xs], scope)
scope = scope_stack.pop()
pc += 1

The current scope is assumed to be an accumulation list.

The accumulation list is turned into a semantic action that evaluates to a list where each semantic action in the accumulation list is also evaluated.


This instruction pushes the current input object onto the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos >= len(stream) or not isinstance(stream[pos], list):
    fail_message = ("expected list",)
    stream_pos_stack.append((stream, pos))
    stream = stream[pos]
    pos = 0
    pc += 1

It fails if the current input object is not a list. Only lists can become input streams.

Otherwise the current input object becomes the current input stream and the position is set to 0.


This instruction pops an input stream off the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos < len(stream):
    fail_message = ("expected end of list",)
    stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
    pos += 1
    pc += 1

It fails if not all items in the input stream have been consumed.

The position that is stored on the stack refers to the position where the input stream was found. This input stream has now been consumed so the position is therefore incremented.


This instruction causes an explicit failure with the given message:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. FAIL
fail_message = (arg1,)


This instruction calls the given rule:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. CALL
key = (arg1, tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos]))
if key in memo:
    last_action, stream_pos_stack = memo[key]
    stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:]
    stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
    pc += 1
    call_backtrack_stack.append((pc+1, key))
    pc = labels[arg1]

It fist generates a key which consists of the name of the rule and the current position in the input stream. Example key: ('Label', (0, 1, 3)). If this rule has matched at this position before, the memoized result is used. Otherwise a call is made.

The memoized result consists of the result from calling the rule and the state of the input stream. The memoized state is assigned to the VM state. The state of the input stream stored in the memoization table can not be modified, hence the stream_pos_stack[:].

To make a call, the next program counter and the key is appended to the stack. The next program counter stores the position where to continue execution, and the key is used to store the result in the memoization table. See RETURN for how its done.


This instruction works like CALL but instead of getting the rule name from the instruction argument, it gets it from the input stream.

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if pos >= len(stream):
    fail_message = ("expected any",)
    fn_name = str(stream[pos])
    key = (fn_name, tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos]))
    if key in memo:
        last_action, stream_pos_stack = memo[key]
        stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:]
        stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
        pc += 1
        call_backtrack_stack.append((pc+1, key))
        pc = labels[fn_name]
        pos += 1


This instruction makes execution continue at wherever it was before the current rule was called:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
if len(call_backtrack_stack) == 0:
    return last_action.eval()
pc, key = call_backtrack_stack.pop()
memo[key] = (last_action, stream_pos_stack+[(stream, pos)])

If the stack is empty, it means that the end of the start_rule has been reached. In that case, the result is returned from the VM. Otherwise the pc is set to the position that was pushed onto the stack. The memoization table is also filled in.


This instruction pushes a backtrack entry onto the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
call_backtrack_stack.append((labels[arg1], pos, len(stream_pos_stack), len(scope_stack)))
pc += 1

A backtrack entry consists of the following:

This information is enough to reset the state and try matching the next choice at the current position. Actual backtracking is done in Handling failure.


This instruction pops a backtrack entry off the stack:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
pc = labels[arg1]

The popped item is assumed to be a backtrack entry, and not a call entry.

The entry is ignored since the choice succeeded and no backtracking is needed.

Handling failure

The first step in handling a failure is to figure out if this failure should be presented to the user. It is done based on the position where the failure occurred. Failures occurring at later positions are assumed to be more relevant. The latest fail message is saved like this:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. handle failure
fail_pos = tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos])
if fail_pos >= latest_fail_pos:
    latest_fail_message = fail_message
    latest_fail_pos = fail_pos

Next actual backtracking is done. Items are popped off the stack until a backtrack entry is found. Backtrack entries are tuples with 4 arguments.

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. handle failure
call_backtrack_entry = tuple()
while call_backtrack_stack:
    call_backtrack_entry = call_backtrack_stack.pop()
    if len(call_backtrack_entry) == 4:

If no backtrack entry is found, matching failed completely and the user is notified with an exception. The latest fail message is passed to the exception along with the position and input stream where the failure occurred.

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. handle failure
if len(call_backtrack_entry) != 4:
    fail_pos = list(latest_fail_pos)
    fail_stream = stream_pos_stack[0][0] if stream_pos_stack else stream
    while len(fail_pos) > 1:
        fail_stream = fail_stream[fail_pos.pop(0)]
    raise _MatchError(latest_fail_message, fail_pos[0], fail_stream)

The exception has a describe method that formats the error nicely for the user:

  1. support.py
  2. classes
class _MatchError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, message, pos, stream):
        self.message = message
        self.pos = pos
        self.stream = stream

    def describe(self):
        message = ""
        if isinstance(self.stream, basestring):
            before = self.stream[:self.pos].splitlines()
            after = self.stream[self.pos:].splitlines()
            for context_before in before[-4:-1]:
                message += self._context(context_before)
            message += self._context(before[-1], after[0])
            message += self._arrow(len(before[-1]))
            for context_after in after[1:4]:
                message += self._context(context_after)
            message += self._context("[")
            for context_before in self.stream[:self.pos]:
                message += self._context("  ", repr(context_before), ",")
            message += self._context("  ", repr(self.stream[self.pos]), ",")
            message += self._arrow(2)
            for context_after in self.stream[self.pos+1:]:
                message += self._context("  ", repr(context_after), ",")
            message += self._context("]")
        message += "Error: "
        message += self.message[0].format(*self.message[1:])
        message += "\n"
        return message

    def _context(self, *args):
        return "> {}\n".format("".join(args))

    def _arrow(self, lenght):
        return "--{}^\n".format("-"*lenght)

If the input stream is a string, the character where the failure occurred is highlighted with a few context lines around it like this:

>     | expr:x expr*:xs                          -> ["Scope" ["And" x ~xs]]
>   expr =
>     | expr1:x space ':' name:y                 -> ["Bind" y x
>     | expr1
>   expr1 =
>     | expr2:x space '*'                        -> ["Star" x]
>     | expr2:x space '?'                        -> ["Or" x ["And"]]
Error: expected ']'

If the input stream is a list, the whole list is printed as context, and the item where the failure occurred is highlighted like this:

> [
>   'Bind',
>   'x',
>   ['MatchRule', 'name'],
>   'foo',
> ]
Error: expected end of list

Finally the state of the VM is restored:

  1. support.py
  2. vm
  3. loop
  4. handle failure
(pc, pos, stream_stack_len, scope_stack_len) = call_backtrack_entry
if len(stream_pos_stack) > stream_stack_len:
    stream = stream_pos_stack[stream_stack_len][0]
stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:stream_stack_len]
if len(scope_stack) > scope_stack_len:
    scope = scope_stack[scope_stack_len]
scope_stack = scope_stack[:scope_stack_len]

The program counter and the position is restored from the backtrack entry. The stack lengths are used to restore the stacks. A failure might have occurred deeper in the input stream than when the backtrack entry was created. Similarly for the scope. Those stacks are therefore restored so they have the same length as in the backtrack entry.


The rlmeta_vm function is heavily optimized for speed. Here are a few choices made:

These optimizations makes the VM faster and also a little harder to maintain. But it's a trade off.

Note on size

Compared to the optimized version, the VM based version is a little bigger:

   53 parser.rlmeta
   74 codegenerator.rlmeta
  302 support.py
   45 compile.sh
  474 total

That is 474 lines of code compared to 429 in the optimized version. The rlmeta_vm function is quite optimized and therefore is slightly longer than it could have been. But 474 lines is still small.

Note on performance

The VM based version also turns out to be faster than the optimized version:

Being faster was not a goal with the VM based version, but it's and interesting side effect. Perhaps more programming problems would benefit from a VM based approach? There are probably also more optimizations that can be made to the instructions to make the VM even faster.

Code listings for RLMeta


Parser {
  grammar =
    | name:x space '{' rule*:ys space '}'      -> ["Grammar" x ~ys]
  rule =
    | name:x space '=' choice:y                -> ["Rule" x y]
  choice =
    | (space '|')?
      sequence:x (space '|' sequence)*:xs      -> ["Or" x ~xs]
  sequence =
    | expr:x expr*:xs                          -> ["Scope" ["And" x ~xs]]
  expr =
    | expr1:x space ':' name:y                 -> ["Bind" y x]
    | expr1
  expr1 =
    | expr2:x space '*'                        -> ["Star" x]
    | expr2:x space '?'                        -> ["Or" x ["And"]]
    | space '!' expr2:x                        -> ["Not" x]
    | space '%'                                -> ["MatchCallRule"]
    | space '#'                                -> ["Label"]
    | expr2
  expr2 =
    | space '->' hostExpr:x                    -> ["SemanticAction" x]
    | name:x !(space '=')                      -> ["MatchRule" x]
    | space char:x '-' char:y                  -> ["MatchRange" x y]
    | space string:x                           -> ["MatchString" x]
    | space charseq:x                          -> ["MatchCharseq" x]
    | space '.'                                -> ["MatchAny"]
    | space '(' choice:x space ')'             -> x
    | space '[' expr*:xs space ']'             -> ["MatchList" ["And" ~xs]]
  hostExpr =
    | space string:x                           -> ["String" x]
    | space '[' hostExprListItem*:xs space ']' -> ["List" ~xs]
    | space '{' buildExpr*:xs space '}'        -> ["Builder" ~xs]
    | name:x space '(' hostExpr*:ys space ')'  -> ["FnCall" x ~ys]
    | name:x                                   -> ["VarLookup" x]
  hostExprListItem =
    | space '~' hostExpr:x                     -> ["ListItemSplice" x]
    | hostExpr
  buildExpr =
    | space '>'                                -> ["IndentBuilder"]
    | space '<'                                -> ["DedentBuilder"]
    | hostExpr
  string    = '"'  (!'"'  innerChar)*:xs '"'   -> join(xs)
  charseq   = '\'' (!'\'' innerChar)*:xs '\''  -> join(xs)
  char      = '\''  !'\'' innerChar  :x  '\''  -> x
  innerChar = '\\' escape | .
  escape    = '\\' -> "\\" | '\'' -> "'"
            | '"'  -> "\"" | 'n'  -> "\n"
  name      = space nameStart:x nameChar*:xs   -> join([x ~xs])
  nameStart = 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z'
  nameChar  = 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9'
  space     = (' ' | '\n')*


CodeGenerator {
  ast            = [%:x]           -> x
  py             = .:x             -> repr(x)
  Grammar        = .:x ast*:ys     -> { "class " x "(_Grammar):\n\n" >
                                          "def __init__(self):\n" >
                                            "self._instructions = i = []\n"
                                            "self._labels = l = {}\n"
                                            "def I(name, x=None, y=None):\n" >
                                              "i.append((name, x, y))\n"
                                            "def LABEL(name):\n" >
                                              "l[name] = len(i)\n"
                                        <                                    }
  Rule           = py:x ast:y      -> { "LABEL(" x ")\n"
                                        "I('RETURN')\n"                      }
  Or             =
    | ast:x Or:y #:a #:b           -> { "I('BACKTRACK', " a ")\n"
                                        "I('COMMIT', " b ")\n"
                                        "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                                        "LABEL(" b ")\n"                     }
    | ast
  Scope          = ast:x           -> { "I('PUSH_SCOPE')\n"
                                        "I('POP_SCOPE')\n"                   }
  And            = ast*
  Bind           = py:x ast:y      -> { y
                                        "I('BIND', " x ")\n"                 }
  Star           = ast:x #:a #:b   -> { "I('LIST_START')\n"
                                        "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                                        "I('BACKTRACK', " b ")\n"
                                        "I('COMMIT', " a ")\n"
                                        "LABEL(" b ")\n"
                                        "I('LIST_END')\n"                    }
  Not            = ast:x #:a #:b   -> { "I('BACKTRACK', " b ")\n"
                                        "I('COMMIT', " a ")\n"
                                        "LABEL(" a ")\n"
                                        "I('FAIL', 'no match expected')\n"
                                        "LABEL(" b ")\n"                     }
  MatchCallRule  =                 -> { "I('MATCH_CALL_RULE')\n"             }
  Label          =                 -> { "I('LABEL')\n"                       }
  SemanticAction = ast:x           -> { "I('ACTION', lambda scope: " x ")\n" }
  String         = py
  List           = astList
  Builder        = astItems:x      -> { "_Builder.create([" x "])"           }
  IndentBuilder  =                 -> { "_IndentBuilder()"                   }
  DedentBuilder  =                 -> { "_DedentBuilder()"                   }
  FnCall         = .:x astItems:y  -> { x "(" y ")"                          }
  VarLookup      = py:x            -> { "scope[" x "].eval()"                }
  astItems       =
    | ast:x astItem*:xs            -> { x xs                                 }
    |                              -> {                                      }
  astItem        = ast:x           -> { ", " x                               }
  astList        = astListItem*:xs -> { "(" xs "[])"                         }
  astListItem    =
    | ["ListItemSplice" ast:x]     -> {     x  "+"                           }
    | ast:x                        -> { "[" x "]+"                           }
  MatchRule      = py:x            -> { "I('CALL', " x ")\n"                 }
  MatchRange     = py:x py:y       -> { "I('MATCH_RANGE', " x ", " y ")\n"   }
  MatchString    = py:x            -> { "I('MATCH_STRING', " x ")\n"         }
  MatchCharseq   = py:x            -> { "I('MATCH_CHARSEQ', " x ")\n"        }
  MatchAny       =                 -> { "I('MATCH_ANY')\n"                   }
  MatchList      = ast:x           -> { "I('PUSH_STREAM')\n"
                                        "I('POP_STREAM')\n"                  }


    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

def rlmeta_vm(instructions, labels, start_rule, stream):
    label_counter = 0
    last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(None)
    pc = labels[start_rule]
    call_backtrack_stack = []
    stream, pos, stream_pos_stack = (stream, 0, [])
    scope, scope_stack = (None, [])
    fail_message = None
    latest_fail_message, latest_fail_pos = (None, tuple())
    memo = {}
    while True:
        name, arg1, arg2 = instructions[pc]
        if name == "PUSH_SCOPE":
            scope = {}
            pc += 1
        elif name == "BACKTRACK":
            call_backtrack_stack.append((labels[arg1], pos, len(stream_pos_stack), len(scope_stack)))
            pc += 1
        elif name == "CALL":
            key = (arg1, tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos]))
            if key in memo:
                last_action, stream_pos_stack = memo[key]
                stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:]
                stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
                pc += 1
                call_backtrack_stack.append((pc+1, key))
                pc = labels[arg1]
        elif name == "MATCH_CHARSEQ":
            for char in arg1:
                if pos >= len(stream) or stream[pos] != char:
                    fail_message = ("expected {!r}", char)
                pos += 1
                last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(arg1)
                pc += 1
        elif name == "COMMIT":
            pc = labels[arg1]
        elif name == "POP_SCOPE":
            scope = scope_stack.pop()
            pc += 1
        elif name == "RETURN":
            if len(call_backtrack_stack) == 0:
                return last_action.eval()
            pc, key = call_backtrack_stack.pop()
            memo[key] = (last_action, stream_pos_stack+[(stream, pos)])
        elif name == "LIST_APPEND":
            pc += 1
        elif name == "BIND":
            scope[arg1] = last_action
            pc += 1
        elif name == "ACTION":
            last_action = _UserSemanticAction(arg1, scope)
            pc += 1
        elif name == "MATCH_RANGE":
            if pos >= len(stream) or not (arg1 <= stream[pos] <= arg2):
                fail_message = ("expected range {!r}-{!r}", arg1, arg2)
                last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(stream[pos])
                pos += 1
                pc += 1
        elif name == "LIST_START":
            scope = []
            pc += 1
        elif name == "LIST_END":
            last_action = _UserSemanticAction(lambda xs: [x.eval() for x in xs], scope)
            scope = scope_stack.pop()
            pc += 1
        elif name == "MATCH_ANY":
            if pos >= len(stream):
                fail_message = ("expected any",)
                last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(stream[pos])
                pos += 1
                pc += 1
        elif name == "PUSH_STREAM":
            if pos >= len(stream) or not isinstance(stream[pos], list):
                fail_message = ("expected list",)
                stream_pos_stack.append((stream, pos))
                stream = stream[pos]
                pos = 0
                pc += 1
        elif name == "POP_STREAM":
            if pos < len(stream):
                fail_message = ("expected end of list",)
                stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
                pos += 1
                pc += 1
        elif name == "MATCH_CALL_RULE":
            if pos >= len(stream):
                fail_message = ("expected any",)
                fn_name = str(stream[pos])
                key = (fn_name, tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos]))
                if key in memo:
                    last_action, stream_pos_stack = memo[key]
                    stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:]
                    stream, pos = stream_pos_stack.pop()
                    pc += 1
                    call_backtrack_stack.append((pc+1, key))
                    pc = labels[fn_name]
                    pos += 1
        elif name == "FAIL":
            fail_message = (arg1,)
        elif name == "LABEL":
            last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(label_counter)
            label_counter += 1
            pc += 1
        elif name == "MATCH_STRING":
            if pos >= len(stream) or stream[pos] != arg1:
                fail_message = ("expected {!r}", arg1)
                last_action = _ConstantSemanticAction(arg1)
                pos += 1
                pc += 1
            raise Exception("unknown instruction {}".format(name))
        fail_pos = tuple([x[1] for x in stream_pos_stack]+[pos])
        if fail_pos >= latest_fail_pos:
            latest_fail_message = fail_message
            latest_fail_pos = fail_pos
        call_backtrack_entry = tuple()
        while call_backtrack_stack:
            call_backtrack_entry = call_backtrack_stack.pop()
            if len(call_backtrack_entry) == 4:
        if len(call_backtrack_entry) != 4:
            fail_pos = list(latest_fail_pos)
            fail_stream = stream_pos_stack[0][0] if stream_pos_stack else stream
            while len(fail_pos) > 1:
                fail_stream = fail_stream[fail_pos.pop(0)]
            raise _MatchError(latest_fail_message, fail_pos[0], fail_stream)
        (pc, pos, stream_stack_len, scope_stack_len) = call_backtrack_entry
        if len(stream_pos_stack) > stream_stack_len:
            stream = stream_pos_stack[stream_stack_len][0]
        stream_pos_stack = stream_pos_stack[:stream_stack_len]
        if len(scope_stack) > scope_stack_len:
            scope = scope_stack[scope_stack_len]
        scope_stack = scope_stack[:scope_stack_len]

class _Grammar(object):

    def run(self, rule_name, input_object):
        if isinstance(input_object, basestring):
            stream = input_object
            stream = [input_object]
        result = rlmeta_vm(self._instructions, self._labels, rule_name, stream)
        if isinstance(result, _Builder):
            return result.build_string()
            return result

class _Builder(object):

    def build_string(self):
        output = _Output()
        return output.value

    def create(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, _Builder):
            return item
        elif isinstance(item, list):
            return _ListBuilder([_Builder.create(x) for x in item])
            return _AtomBuilder(item)

class _Output(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = StringIO()
        self.indentation = 0
        self.on_newline = True

    def value(self):
        return self.buffer.getvalue()

    def write(self, value):
        for ch in value:
            is_linebreak = ch == "\n"
            if self.indentation and self.on_newline and not is_linebreak:
                self.buffer.write("    "*self.indentation)
            self.on_newline = is_linebreak

class _ListBuilder(_Builder):

    def __init__(self, builders):
        self.builders = builders

    def write(self, output):
        for builder in self.builders:

class _AtomBuilder(_Builder):

    def __init__(self, atom):
        self.atom = atom

    def write(self, output):

class _IndentBuilder(_Builder):

    def write(self, output):
        output.indentation += 1

class _DedentBuilder(_Builder):

    def write(self, output):
        output.indentation -= 1

class _ConstantSemanticAction(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def eval(self):
        return self.value

class _UserSemanticAction(object):

    def __init__(self, fn, scope):
        self.fn = fn
        self.scope = scope

    def eval(self):
        return self.fn(self.scope)

class _MatchError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, message, pos, stream):
        self.message = message
        self.pos = pos
        self.stream = stream

    def describe(self):
        message = ""
        if isinstance(self.stream, basestring):
            before = self.stream[:self.pos].splitlines()
            after = self.stream[self.pos:].splitlines()
            for context_before in before[-4:-1]:
                message += self._context(context_before)
            message += self._context(before[-1], after[0])
            message += self._arrow(len(before[-1]))
            for context_after in after[1:4]:
                message += self._context(context_after)
            message += self._context("[")
            for context_before in self.stream[:self.pos]:
                message += self._context("  ", repr(context_before), ",")
            message += self._context("  ", repr(self.stream[self.pos]), ",")
            message += self._arrow(2)
            for context_after in self.stream[self.pos+1:]:
                message += self._context("  ", repr(context_after), ",")
            message += self._context("]")
        message += "Error: "
        message += self.message[0].format(*self.message[1:])
        message += "\n"
        return message

    def _context(self, *args):
        return "> {}\n".format("".join(args))

    def _arrow(self, lenght):
        return "--{}^\n".format("-"*lenght)


  1. compile.sh

set -e


cd "$(dirname "$0")"

to_python_string() {
    python -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write(repr(sys.stdin.read()))'

support_py_string=$(to_python_string < support.py)
support_py=$(python "$rlmeta_compiler" --support)
parser_py=$(python "$rlmeta_compiler" < parser.rlmeta)
codegenerator_py=$(python "$rlmeta_compiler" < codegenerator.rlmeta)

cat <<EOF
import sys

SUPPORT = $support_py_string




join = "".join

def compile_grammar(grammar):
    parser = Parser()
    code_generator = CodeGenerator()
    return code_generator.run("ast", parser.run("grammar", grammar))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if "--support" in sys.argv:
        except _MatchError as e:


  1. meta_compile.sh

set -e

cd "$(dirname "$0")"

./compile.sh rlmeta.py > rlmeta1.py

./compile.sh rlmeta1.py > rlmeta2.py

./compile.sh rlmeta2.py > rlmeta3.py

diff rlmeta2.py rlmeta3.py

diff support.py <(python rlmeta3.py --support)

mv rlmeta3.py rlmeta2.py

mv rlmeta2.py rlmeta1.py

mv rlmeta1.py rlmeta.py

echo OK

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