Refactor before

Published on 28 May 2014.

I find it difficult to properly do the refactoring step in the TDD cycle. I know the step is there, but I don’t think hard enough about it, and continuing to the next test is often more fun.

So when do I refactor? Refactoring works best for me right before a change. I like to clean up the surrounding code before I make a change to it.

Doing the refactoring before ensures that I do it. It also gives me a goal: Make the next change (that I’ve started to think about) easier to implement. I don’t think refactoring without a goal is bad. I think there are general things you can improve that don’t require a goal. But if all tests are passing, I know that I just make small changes like improve a name or extract a method. With a goal, for me, refactoring becomes more meaningful.

Perhaps this thinking can be applied to TDD as well. The cycle is red -> green -> refactor. But, because it’s a cycle, it repeats. So we could think of it as refactor -> red -> green. It’s almost the same, but mentally puts the refactoring step first. If you peek at the upcoming test, you have a goal for the current refactoring.

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