How to test a router?

Published on 20 May 2023.

I’ve been practicing Testing Without Mocks for a while now. It describes a way of doing overlapping, sociable testing, which include infrastructure, without having side effects occur in your tests.

Recently I’ve been wondering how to test a “router” using this pattern. By router I mean an entry level function that looks at a url or command line arguments or whatever and dispatches to the relevant “controller”. Something like this:

class MyWebApp:

    def main(self, url):
        if url.startswith("/home"):
        elif url.startswith("/about"):

I asked James if he had any examples of this, and he had. Let’s explore.

James’ example

Overly simplified, to only highlight the parts that I’m interested in, James’ example looks like this:

class WwwRouter:

    def __init__(self, home_page_controller):
        self.home_page_controller = home_page_controller

    def route(self, url):
        if url == "/":
            return self.home_page_controller.get()
            return "FAIL"

class HomePageController:

    def create():
        return HomePageController(SomeInfrastructure.create())

    def create_null():
        return HomePageController(SomeInfrastructure.create_null())

    def __init__(self, some_infrastructure):
        self.some_infrastructure = some_infrastructure

    def get(self):
        return "Home Page"

The question I had was, how to test the WwwRouter? James does it like this:

def test_routes_home_page():
    router = WwwRouter(HomePageController.create_null())
    response = router.route("/")
    assert response == HomePageController.create_null().get()

def test_routes_errors():
    router = WwwRouter(HomePageController.create_null())
    response = router.route("/no-such-url")
    assert response == "FAIL"

Some characteristics of this test setup:

What if return value is missing?

How about a router or dispatcher where the controllers don’t return anything. How to we test that?


def CliDispatcher:

    def __init__(self, add_command, remove_command):
        self.add_command = add_command
        self.remove_command = remove_command

    def dispatch(self, arguments):
        if arguments[:1] == ["add"]:
        elif arguments[:1] == ["remove"]:
            sys.exit("Unknown command.")

We start out the same:

def test_dispatches_to_add():
    add_command = AddCommand.create_null()
    remove_command = RemoveCommand.create_null()
    cli = CliDispatcher(add_command, remove_command)
    cli.dispatch(["add", "item name"])

But dispatch does not return anything, so we can’t check any return value. What to do?

We want to test that the function of AddCommand was performed, and nothing else. We could introduce queries on commands to see if they have been run. Then we can write the asserts like this:

assert add_command.get_last_arguments() == ["item name"]
assert remove_command.get_last_arguments() == None

So we want to assert that the add command was run with the given arguments and that all the other (only one in the example) commands were not run.

I think this is in the spirit of testing without mocks. Here is what it says about state-based testing:

Use state-based tests instead of interaction-based tests. A state-based test checks the output or state of the code under test, without any awareness of its implementation.

An it goes on to say

For mutable objects, provide a way for changes in state to be observed, either with a getter method or an event.

Events instead

I am not a fan of the get_last_* pattern. Our code could call twice, and the test would not catch the error. I prefer an events approach instead.

Assuming that commands are observable and that they emit events when run (we can test that separately), the test can be written like this:

def test_dispatches_to_add():
    events = []
    add_command = AddCommand.create_null()
    remove_command = RemoveCommand.create_null()
    cli = CliDispatcher(add_command, remove_command)
    cli.dispatch(["add", "item name"])
    assert events == [
        {"name": "AddCommand", "arguments": ["item name"]},

This test ensures that exactly one command was run and that it was run only once. Exactly what we wanted to test, but now expressed with a single assert.

Better test setup

This test setup becomes tedious to do for every command. We can extract it to a factory method:

def create_cli():
    events = []
    add_command = AddCommand.create_null()
    remove_command = RemoveCommand.create_null()
    cli = CliDispatcher(add_command, remove_command)
    return cli, events

def test_dispatches_to_add():
    cli, events = create_cli()
    cli.dispatch(["add", "item name"])
    assert events == [
        {"name": "AddCommand", "arguments": ["item name"]},

def test_dispatches_to_remove():
    cli, events = create_cli()
    cli.dispatch(["remove", "item name"])
    assert events == [
        {"name": "RemoveCommand", "arguments": ["item name"]},

Or even better:

def run_in_test_mode(arguments):
    events = []
    add_command = AddCommand.create_null()
    remove_command = RemoveCommand.create_null()
    cli = CliDispatcher(add_command, remove_command)
    return events

def test_dispatches_to_add():
    assert run_in_test_mode(["add", "item name"]) == [
        {"name": "AddCommand", "arguments": ["item name"]},

def test_dispatches_to_remove():
    assert run_in_test_mode(["remove", "item name"]) == [
        {"name": "RemoveCommand", "arguments": ["item name"]},


In hindsight, this seems quite obvious to me. I’m not sure what I had a hard time understanding. But the example from James helped. Thanks! And writing this blog post helped me clarify my thinking on the subject.

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