Bitten by Python generators

Published on 11 March 2017.

Today I found a bug in a piece of Python code that I had written. The buggy code was the result of not taking into consideration how generators in Python work. It looked like this:

def main():
    try:"Processing items")
        items = get_the_items()
        logging.exception("Could not get items")
        for item in items:

Can you spot the error? What could possible go wrong with this code?

When I was debugging it, it was printing the info message, but did not log an exception. Execution continued in the else-clause, but suddenly an exception was raised when looping over the items (outside of process_item). How can that happen? The except-clause should catch all exceptions. And just iterating over a collection should not raise an exception.

The answer is that get_the_items returned a generator. It looked like this:

def get_the_items():
    for item in read_items_from_disk():
        if item.is_good():
            yield item

The exception actually came from read_items_from_disk, but since this code creates a generator, it is not executed until the collection is accessed (which happened in the else-clause). So the exception was actually raised when starting looping over items.

What about skipping the else-clause?

To ensure that an exception from the generator is caught, the main function could be written like this:

def main():
    try:"Processing items")
        for item in get_the_items():
        logging.exception("Could not get items")

I don’t like this version because it also catches exceptions from process_item. I like the try-except-else syntax because it allows narrower exception regions in a nice looking way.

Why did I use a generator?

I made get_the_items return a generator mainly because I thought it read better. The alternative I came up with looked like this:

def get_the_items():
    items = []
    for item in read_items_from_disk():
        if item.is_good():
    return items

I didn’t like the temporary items variable. And it is two lines longer than the generator version.

What about list comprehensions?

Another way to write get_the_items, avoiding the temporary variable, is to use list comprehensions. It would look like this:

def get_the_items():
    return [
        for item in read_items_from_disk()
        if item.is_good()

I find this code reads as good as the generator version (even though it is two lines longer). This is what I ended up using. But get_the_items was a bit more complicated than in the example, so I had to divide it into two list comprehensions.

What about memory consumption?

One argument for using generators is that they consume less memory. The whole collection of items do not have to fit in memory at once, only the one currently being processed.

In my case I had already read all items into memory in a previous step. The get_the_items function was mainly used to transform and filter the items. So I would not have used much less memory by using generators. Also, my collections were small, so having them in memory was not a problem.


Generators have some nice properties that can be useful. However, after being bitten by them I now think they should only be used if those properties are absolutely needed. I will favor list comprehensions over generators if I can afford to keep the whole collection in memory.

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