Spawn multiple balloons

Published on 17 June 2023 in Agile Game Development with Python and Pygame.

We previously had a story about balloons moving downwards. We scratched that because other stories were more important for the first version of the balloon shooter. With those stories done, I think a more realistic balloon spawning and movement pattern is the most valuable thing we can work on.

Video version

The video version of this episode:

Code review

Let’s review our code and look at how balloons are managed.

Our game scene has a sprite group for balloons which by default contains only one balloon:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):


    def __init__(self, balloons=[(50, 50)], ...):
        self.balloons = self.add(SpriteGroup([
            Balloon(Point(x=x, y=y)) for (x, y) in balloons

This sprite group is modified in the update method if an arrows hits a balloon:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):


    def update(self, dt):
        for arrow in self.flying_arrows.get_sprites():
            for balloon in self.balloons.get_sprites():
                if arrow.hits_baloon(balloon):
                    self.balloons.add(Balloon(position=Point(x=50, y=50)))

So the hit balloon is removed, and a new one is added.

How do balloons move?

class Balloon:


    def __init__(self, position, radius=40):
        self.position = position
        self.radius = radius

    def update(self, dt):
        if self.position.x > 1200:
            self.position = self.position.set(x=50)
            self.position = self.position.move(dx=dt*0.3)

They move from left to right and wrap around at x=1200.


To be able to write more isolated tests for balloon behavior, I want to start with a few refactorings. I want to extract a Balloons class which contains most logic related to balloons. Then I want to write tests for new behavior. This is also known as make the change easy, then make the easy change.

We begin by creating the class and using it like this:

-        self.balloons = self.add(SpriteGroup([
-            Balloon(Point(x=x, y=y)) for (x, y) in balloons
-        ]))
+        self.balloons = self.add(Balloons(balloons))
class Balloons(SpriteGroup):

    def __init__(self, positions):
        SpriteGroup.__init__(self, [
            Balloon(Point(x=x, y=y)) for (x, y) in positions

We continue to move some behavior into this new class:

class Balloons(SpriteGroup):


    def get_balloon_hit_by_arrow(self, arrow):
        for balloon in self.get_sprites():
            if arrow.hits_baloon(balloon):
                return balloon

    def spawn_new(self):
        self.add(Balloon(position=Point(x=50, y=50)))

With that in place, we can simplify the update code like this:

-            for balloon in self.balloons.get_sprites():
-                if arrow.hits_baloon(balloon):
-                    self.balloons.remove(balloon)
-                    self.balloons.add(Balloon(position=Point(x=50, y=50)))
-                    self.score.add(1)
+            hit_balloon = self.balloons.get_balloon_hit_by_arrow(arrow)
+            if hit_balloon:
+                self.balloons.remove(hit_balloon)
+                self.balloons.spawn_new()
+                self.score.add(1)

There is probably some more functionality that we can move into the new balloons class, but let’s stop here for now and focus on the new behavior.

(If you want to see this refactoring happening in smaller steps and in real time, check out the video version.)


Here is some new behavior that we would like to have:

Let’s start with the first one and write a test for the new movement pattern:

class Balloons(SpriteGroup):

    >>> balloons = Balloons([(50, 50)])
    >>> balloons.get_sprites()[0].get_position()
    (50, 50)
    >>> balloons.update(5)
    >>> x, y = balloons.get_sprites()[0].get_position()
    >>> x
    >>> y > 50


First we make sure that the first balloon in the sprite group is at the initial position that we gave it. Then we assert that it has moved downward after an update.

To make this test pass, we make this change:

 class Balloon:


     def update(self, dt):
-       if self.position.x > 1200:
-           self.position = self.position.set(x=50)
-       else:
-           self.position = self.position.move(dx=dt*0.3)
+       self.position = self.position.move(dy=dt*self.speed)

We only needed to modify the Balloon class. Does that mean that we should put the test in this class instead? I don’t know. For now, I think it’s nice if we can keep all balloon related tests in the same place.

If we run the game now, a single balloon will move downwards and then disappear at the bottom of the screen. That’s no fun. No more balloon to shoot down. Let’s fix that.

Here is a test that checks that there are always 3 balloons in the air:

>>> balloons = Balloons([(50, 50)], space)
>>> len(balloons.get_sprites())
>>> balloons.update(5)
>>> len(balloons.get_sprites())

We make this pass by adding spawn logic in the update method:

class Balloons(SpriteGroup):


    def update(self, dt):
        SpriteGroup.update(self, dt)
        while len(self.get_sprites()) < 3:

As long as we shoot down balloons, new ones will be spawned. But if we miss three balloons, they will continue to move downwards outside the screen, and no new balloons will be spawned. Let’s work on removing balloons outside the screen.

Here is a test describing this behavior:

>>> space = OutsideScreenSpace(500, 500)
>>> balloons = Balloons([(1000, 1000)], space)
>>> (balloon,) = balloons.get_sprites()
>>> balloons.update(5)
>>> balloon in balloons.get_sprites()

The idea is that we place a balloon outside the screen. Then we call update and make sure that it is no longer in the sprite group.

We have used the OutsideScreenSpace before to remove arrows that are outside the screen. When we add it here to Balloons we have to update all instantiations of it to include it. Once that is done, we make the test pass like this:

 class Balloons(SpriteGroup):


     def update(self, dt):
         SpriteGroup.update(self, dt)
+        for balloon in self.get_sprites():
+            if*balloon.get_position()), 10):
+                self.remove(balloon)
         while len(self.get_sprites()) < 3:

The game now plays without problems, however, it’s a little boring that balloons are always spawned at the same position.

We modify the spawning code like this:

 class Balloons(SpriteGroup):


     def spawn_new(self):
-        self.add(Balloon(position=Point(x=50, y=50)))
+        self.add(Balloon(position=Point(, y=50)))

And add the corresponding method in OutsideScreenSpace:

class OutsideScreenSpace:


    def get_random_x(self, margin):
        return random.randint(margin, self.width-margin*2)

We don’t write any tests for this. Why? I guess because I feel confident that this will work. And maybe because testing random is not straight forward. Perhaps we should add a test for get_random_x that checks that the x we get back is within the width minus margin. We make a note of that.

Here is what the game looks like now:

Multiple balloons.

We have accomplished what we set out to do. I think the game is a little more fun to play now. Success!


We began by doing some refactoring to make the new behavior easy to add. It was easy to add and it went smoothly. However, after adding new functionality and working with an area of the code, we have probably noticed things that can improve. We might even have ignored it to focus on adding the new behavior.

What I like to do in those situations is to take a break and come back and review the code a little later.

This time I came up with many small changes to improve the clarity of the code. Here are some examples from that session:

Making these tiny improvements feels so good. They are all quite small changes, but they make a huge impact. Ok, maybe not huge, but the improvements compound. The point is that if you keep making tiny improvements, the code base gets easier and easier to work with.

See you in the next episode!

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