Game over?

Published on 6 May 2023 in Agile Game Development with Python and Pygame.

When we worked on shooting the arrow we concluded that it was tedious to restart the game after each shot. When the arrow goes outside the screen, we want the game to be over instead and the arrow to be reset. Let’s work on that in this episode.

Do we really need game over?

If we implement game over now, there will be game over after every shot. Because there is no way to hit the balloon just yet.

If you play a game where it is game over immediately, would you enjoy it?

Perhaps game over is not the right story to work on? It is a solution to the problem that you don’t have any arrows to shoot after the first one.

How about if you get a new arrow immediately? So you can just keep firing?

From before, these are the stories we though about as needed for an initial balloon shooter:

Let’s think about this. For minimal, I don’t think we need real graphics. The circles convey the idea just fine.

I’m not sure the balloon needs to move downwards either. The current movement pattern is fine.

And we can do something else instead of game over.

That leaves us with this:

We can always make something smaller. And what we initially thought we needed, we don’t need. At least not yet. When we play the game, we quite quickly find out what is needed next. Working software. In the hands of its users. Powerful.

Let’s work on spawning arrows now so that we can enjoy shooting arrows for a longer time without having to restart our game.

Acceptance criteria

I can think of two test:

The second test is kind of internal. If we render thousands of arrows outside the screen, no one will notice. Until there is a performance issue or an out of memory crash or something like that.

On the other hand, it makes sense, from a gameplay perspective, to talk about arrows going off the screen as being deactivated. Otherwise it might be that they come back after a while, but now instead move downwards.

How to write the tests?

All tests for our game are currently written at the top-level. Here is the test that checks for behavior when we press the space key:

We run the game for a few frames, press the space key, let it run for a few
frames, then quit:

>>> events = BalloonShooter.run_in_test_mode(
...     events=[
...         [],
...         [],
...         [GameLoop.create_event_keydown_space()],
...         [],
...         [],
...         [GameLoop.create_event_user_closed_window()],
...     ]
... )

The arrow moves:

>>> arrow_head_positions = events.filter("DRAW_CIRCLE", radius=10).collect("x", "y")
>>> len(arrow_head_positions) > 1
>>> len(set(arrow_head_positions)) > 1

We filter out DRAW_CIRCLE events with radius 10 with the assumption that the only circle drawn with radius 10 is the arrow head.

This test assumes only one arrow.

If we were to draw another arrow, there would be no way of identifying the two different arrows in this test.

So writing the new tests at this level feels difficult and error prone.

Testing is so hard.

Let’s see if we can make a new attempt at extracting a subsystem where this new behavior is easier to test.

Sprite group and game scene refactoring

Our game currently looks like this:

class BalloonShooter:

    def __init__(self, loop):
        self.balloon = Balloon()
        self.arrow = Arrow()
        self.sprites = [self.balloon, self.arrow]

    def tick(self, dt, events):
        for event in events:
            if event.is_user_closed_window():
            elif event.is_keydown_space():
        for sprite in self.sprites:
        for sprite in self.sprites:


I have an idea for how to push much of this logic down one level so that it can more easily be tested. Let’s give it a try.

We keep all our sprites in a list. Managing a list of sprites seems like a good job for a new class. We create a SpriteGroup class that works like this:

>>> class TestSprite:
...     def update(self, dt):
...         print(f"TEST SPRITE update {dt}")
...     def draw(self, loop):
...         print(f"TEST SPRITE draw {loop}")

>>> group = SpriteGroup([TestSprite()])
>>> x = TestSprite()
>>> y = group.add(x)
>>> x is y

>>> group.update(4)
TEST SPRITE update 4
TEST SPRITE update 4

>>> group.draw(None)

A sprite is any object that can respond to update and draw calls. When we update and draw the sprite group, it calls the corresponding methods on all its sprites.

We can use this new class in our game like this:

class BalloonShooter:

    def __init__(self, loop):
        self.balloon = Balloon()
        self.arrow = Arrow()
        self.all_sprites = SpriteGroup([self.balloon, self.arrow])

    def tick(self, dt, events):
        for event in events:
            if event.is_user_closed_window():
            elif event.is_keydown_space():


Not much of a difference. Mainly we moved the looping over the sprites from our game to the sprite group class. I think this is a bit cleaner, but it makes testing no easier.

But we are not done yet. Now, let’s extract a lower level object that we call GameScene.

The init of the game then changes to this:

def __init__(self, loop):
    self.game_scene = GameScene()

And the tick method changes to this:

def tick(self, dt, events):
    for event in events:

That is, we defer event handling, updating, and drawing to the game scene.

The game scene looks like this:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):

    def __init__(self):
        self.balloon = self.add(Balloon())
        self.arrow = self.add(Arrow())

    def event(self, event):
        if event.is_user_closed_window():
            raise ExitGameLoop()
        elif event.is_keydown_space():

It inherits from SpriteGroup so it gets the update and draw “for free”. And the event handling code is extracted from game. (Since the event method does not have access to the game loop, we can’t call loop.quit() to exit, so we instead raise the exception that loop.quit() would have raised. Initially I thought it would be nice if the loop hide the quit mechanism, and so I did not want to expose the exception. That made this part difficult to write, so I reverted that decision. We constantly adapt the design to the current needs. Perhaps hiding was not the right decision? Or perhaps it was. This will do for now.)

Now that we have a new lower-level object, has testing become any easier?

Slow progress

I feel like this feature we are working on is quite easy to implement. It will just be a couple of lines of code. Yet, here we are many hours into a sprite group refactoring that we are not sure will even pay off. Why? Only so that we can write a test that “allow” us to write those couple of lines that actually implement this feature.

When we work in an agile way, we constantly change our software, and having a good safety net in the form of a test suite allows us to make changes confidently.

But if it always takes x minutes to write the test and x/10 minutes to implement the thing, is it really worth it?

My suspicion and hope is that testing time varies. When a feature requires a design change, things will take a little longer. With a new design in place, new features can more easily be added (and tested). Until another design challenge comes a long.

State based testing

Let’s see how we can test our lower-level game scene object. It is now responsible for some behavior that the balloon shooter class was previously responsible for, so we should be able to write some tests that check the same behavior.

Let’s try initial state: the balloon should animate and the arrow should stay still. Here are tests for that:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):

    Initial state

    The balloon animates:

    >>> game = GameScene()
    >>> first_position = game.get_balloon_position()
    >>> game.update(10)
    >>> second_position = game.get_balloon_position()
    >>> first_position == second_position

    The arrow stays still:

    >>> game = GameScene()
    >>> first_position = game.get_arrow_position()
    >>> game.update(10)
    >>> second_position = game.get_arrow_position()
    >>> first_position == second_position


We create a game scene, query some of its state, update it, query some it its state again and make some assertions.

When we wrote these test at the balloon shooter level, we had to assert that circles were drawn in specific locations. In this test, no drawing is involved.

In order for the tests above to work, we have to write getters to expose some internal state:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):


    def get_balloon_position(self):
        return self.balloon.get_position()

    def get_arrow_position(self):
        return self.arrow.get_position()

These are only used in tests.

For a long time, I was reluctant do this. Mainly because I’ve been taught that objects should not expose internals to the outside world. That is bad object oriented design.

But James writes

For mutable objects, provide a way for changes in state to be observed, either with a getter method or an event.

So if we don’t want to use mocks (which we are practicing), exposing state via getters is probably fine.

One thing that we are not testing with these new tests is that the balloon and the arrow are actually drawn at the positions that are returned by the getters.

We could probably write tests where we call the draw method as well and observe DRAW_CIRCLE events and see that they match. But I think the trade off is not worth it in this case. We still have the top-level tests that check that things are drawn on the screen, and the likelihood that we don’t draw at the position that the getter returns is quite small I think.

Anyway, now that we are (mostly) fine with writing getters to expose internal state, testing should be a little smoother.

Tests for new arrow behavior

Let’s start with the initial state. We introduce the concept of flying arrows (arrows that have been shot) and check that there aren’t any in the beginning:

>>> game = GameScene()
>>> game.get_flying_arrows()

We make it work like this:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):


    def __init__(self):
        self.flying_arrows = self.add(SpriteGroup())

    def get_flying_arrows(self):
        return self.flying_arrows.get_sprites()


We also add the get_sprites getter in the SpriteGroup class. Again, this getter is only used in tests. This bothers me again. Not that it is only used in tests, but that this feels like bad object oriented design. Perhaps it would be cleaner it the sprite group only provided a get_count method? Or something more specific instead of just exposing its internal collection.

But we are fine with exposing internal state for testing purposes. So we don’t think too much about it now. But let’s keep it in the back of our minds for the future.

Let’s move on to shooting so that we get some flying arrows. Here is the test:

>>> game = GameScene()
>>> initial_position = game.get_arrow_position()
>>> game.event(GameLoop.create_event_keydown_space())
>>> game.update(10)

It makes the arrow fire:

>>> flying = game.get_flying_arrows()
>>> len(flying)
>>> flying[0].get_position() == initial_position

The initial arrow stays the same:

>>> game.get_arrow_position() == initial_position

We simulate a shot by sending a space keydown event followed by an update. We assert that we now have a flying arrow and that its position is not the original position of the arrow (it has moved). Furthermore we assert that the current arrow position is the same as the initial meaning that we still have an arrow that we can shoot.

The implementation: change the event handler for keydown space from this


to this:


So the arrow that we shoot actually stays the same and we create a new arrow instance which will be the one shot.

At this point we can actually shoot multiple arrows in the game:

Multiple arrows.

Remove arrows outside screen

We are almost there. But if we keep running the game for long enough, we will get an out of memory error. So we need to remove arrows that go outside the screen.

We write this test:

>>> game = GameScene(space)
>>> game.event(GameLoop.create_event_keydown_space())
>>> game.update(10000)
>>> game.get_flying_arrows()

If we decrease the number in update the flying arrows collection will not be empty because the arrow that we shoot has not had time to fly off screen yet.

We make this test pass by overriding the update method of the sprite group and doing the collision detection to remove flying arrows outside the screen:

class GameScene(SpriteGroup):


    def update(self, dt):
        SpriteGroup.update(self, dt)
        for x in self.flying_arrows.get_sprites():
            if x.hits_space(

Now the get_sprites method that we wrote before, for testing purposes, comes in handy. Iterating over sprites in a collection seems like a reasonable behavior. I still don’t think we should expose the internal collection. That is bad. But we could expose some kind of iterator.

Oh, and to remove the sprite, we actually reach into the fields of the flying arrows group and call it’s remove method. Yikes. But the tests pass. Let’s commit and see if we can improve this.

We come up wit this instead:

def update(self, dt):
    SpriteGroup.update(self, dt)
    for arrow in self.flying_arrows.get_sprites():
        if arrow.hits_space(

x is not a very meaningful name, so we call it arrow instead. Then we call a new remove method on the sprite group. No more reaching into internal fields and modifying them.

The sprite group looks like this:

class SpriteGroup:


    def get_sprites(self):
        return list(self.sprites)

    def remove(self, sprite):

We ensure that get_sprites returns a new list so that the internal list is never exposed. This has two benefits:

  1. The sprite group is in control of its own collection. No one on the outside can modify it.

  2. It is safe to call remove at any time. Before we removed sprites from the collection we were iterating over. That is, in general, is a bad idea.

I didn’t cover how the collision detection works or what space is. If you are curious, check out the details in this commit. The complete source code from this episode is on GitHub.


The big breakthrough in this episode was the realization that it’s OK to write getters to expose internal state for testing purposes. We saw that one of those getters turned out to be useful for the production code as well. I think this will make testing easier, and we will try to write as few getters as possible and only expose “sane” state. We still want to do good object oriented design.

See you in the next episode!

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